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Link arms with the crazy

If there is one big life lesson I've learnt this week its "don't be afraid to share your vision with someone who is already successful in what they do whether its the same field or not". With a diary full of networking events, mum life, hustle work life and pre launch mode all high on the priority list its been easy for me to think "I don't want to do that" "I don't want to go to that event, I'm tired, I've got other things to do, I've got too much on" but the show must go on. I've pushed myself to get to as many events as I can lately as well as working tirelessly until 1-2am every night but the reward is starting to pay off.

This however is not my point. Attending these events, have proven to be just what I needed. At all of the events I have pushed myself to share my vision with the guest speaker or host.....and what's happened next has been overwhelming. To often do we tell ourselves that "they won't want to know about my little idea" but I found this to be wrong, especially this week. I approached Jacinta McDonnell, owner of Anytime Fitness franchise in Australia to share my dream and vision and ask if she could assist me with some ideas for a certain idea I have......and she said YES. By the time I had got home from the event that night, I already had an email from her waiting for my reply. How lovely to think that someone of that calibre was actually following me and my little idea up.

I also listened intently at another event about a fabulous woman who published a cook book.....but not just any cookbook. She had also designed an app where you scan the recipe you want (from her cookbook) and it uploads the grocery list straight into your phone (check out Summer Table, Jodie Blight). What a fabulous idea for the busy person. So....I was on a mission to tell her what admiration I had for her innovative idea and again share my vision. Again to my surprise, she said, here's my card, give me a call and lets see how I can help you. Now, I sat and procrastinated on her business card for a few days with the fear of whether she would really want to talk to me but I got the courage to make that call today. Much to my delight we had a lovely half hour discussion and have arranged a forthcoming meeting.

The point of my message is that sometimes those people we think won't be interested, generally are. Because they remember where they were, what they have faced and realise you have that same crazy dream and vision as them. Reaching out and asking for help is not crazy, scary or even less satisfying and empowering, its all about the power to learn. I've learnt so much about myself, my creative power, my long term vision for empowering and inspiring people but what I've most learnt is that there are people out there that have that same crazy vision as you and are willing to help and support you.

You see its funny, the ones you talk to every day about your vision you would think would share your passion, excitement and dream is so often not the case. So, my life lesson here for this week at least is that don't be afraid, don't let fear loose out on what could go right for you because you will be surprised. Link up arms with people smarter than you, that have more to offer than you, that you feel are outside of your reach because they are the ones that will be there to support, guide and share the roller coaster world of life. Yes there will be people you see as mentors that don't align, don't have the time, don't give you the time but there will be that mentor that does, and they will be what the universe has delivered to you for what you need.

For every roadblock you find, will drive you further, reassure you that your vision and passion is real and adds value so don't give up!

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